She lapped at the brunette’s swollen folds, tasting the salty sweetness of her piss mixed with their combined juices


Sultry aromas of lavender and jasmine filled the air as the soft glow of candles flickered along the walls. The soothing sounds of a harp filled the room, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and desire. Two beautiful women, one blonde and the other brunette, lay side by side on a luxurious massage table, their eyes closed in anticipation.

As the masseuse began her sensual routine, she couldn’t help but notice the undeniable chemistry between the two clients. Their bodies were in perfect harmony, responding to every touch and caress. The brunette, her full D-cup breasts heaving with desire, let out a moan of pleasure as the masseuse kneaded her firm flesh. The blonde, her small yet perky breasts pressed against the brunette’s back, let out a soft sigh, her fingers curling into the sheets.

As the massage progressed, the women grew more and more comfortable with each other. They began to exchange glances, their eyes meeting in a heated gaze that spoke volumes. The masseuse, sensing the shifting energy in the room, decided to take a break and let nature take its course. She discreetly stepped away, leaving the women alone on the table.

The blonde reached out, tenderly caressing the brunette’s face before leaning in and kissing her passionately. The brunette moaned into the kiss, her tongue dancing with the blonde’s. They rolled over, their bodies entwined, and continued to kiss as they explored each other’s curves. The blonde traced her fingers along the brunette’s trimmed landing strip, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lover.

Meanwhile, the brunette reached down, her fingers dipping into the warm wetness between the blonde’s legs. She parted her lover’s lips with her thumb, revealing her tiny pearl, and began to lick and suckle hungrily. The blonde threw her head back, arching her back as she felt waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Their passion ignited, they moved to a more intimate position, with the brunette straddling the blonde’s face. She lowered herself onto her lover’s tongue, moaning as she felt the wetness envelop her. The blonde, eager to reciprocate, reached up and took the brunette’s swollen nipple into her mouth, sucking hard as she continued to lap at her lover’s folds.

Their moans became louder and more urgent, and soon enough, they both reached their climax. The brunette’s body shuddered with pleasure as she came, her hips bucking wildly against the blonde’s face. The blonde arched her back, her own orgasm wracking her body as she tasted her lover’s sweet nectar on her tongue.

Their panting slowed, and they gazed into each other’s eyes, the depth of their connection evident. The brunette leaned in, her lips brushing against the blonde’s ear as she whispered, “Want to see something really kinky?” The blonde nodded eagerly, and the brunette smiled mischievously.

She lowered herself down, positioning her wet sex inches away from the blonde’s face. With a sultry laugh, she moaned, “Drink up.” The blonde opened her mouth wide, eager to taste her lover’s essence. She lapped at the brunette’s swollen folds, tasting the salty sweetness of her piss mixed with their combined juices. The brunette let out a moan of pleasure as her lover eagerly drank her piss, licking up every last drop.

Their passionate lesbian piss play continued, with both women taking turns tasting each other’s nectar and sharing intimate moments of pleasure. The scent of piss filled the air, mingling with the aromas of the candles, creating a heady mix of desire and lust. As they explored this newfound kink, they discovered a deep connection that went beyond anything they had ever experienced before.

Actors: Nicole Vice
Category: lesbian piss
Added on: April 18, 2024

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