The ebony-colored urine cascaded from her delicate figure


The ebony woman, with her long, luxurious hair cascading down her back like a waterfall, carefully placed the fish bowl on the table. She then proceeded to lift her skirt, revealing her smooth, chocolate-colored legs. As she removed her lacy panties, her muscles rippled beneath her flawless skin, a testament to her athleticism. The fish in the bowl watched her intently, their curious eyes following every move she made.

With a sultry smile, the ebony woman crouched down next to the bowl, her perfect behind perched tantalizingly close to the surface of the water. She took a deep breath and released it slowly, her body tensing as she prepared to let go. A long, steady stream of warm ebony piss flowed from her womanhood, splashing against the surface of the water and creating ripples that spread outward.

The fish, accustomed to their owner’s peculiar habits, seemed to take it all in stride. They darted around nimbly, some of them even swimming beneath the stream of piss as if it were a waterfall. As the ebony woman continued to urinate, her body relaxed, and she let out a contented sigh. The fish, sensing her change in demeanor, swam closer to her, as if seeking comfort or reassurance.

Finally, the ebony woman stood up, wiping her hands on a nearby towel as she surveyed the scene before her. The fish bowl was now almost completely full of her warm, fragrant ebony piss, and the fish swam lazily among it. It was a surreal and erotic sight, one that she knew her fish had grown accustomed to over the years. She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of affection and camaraderie with her pets, knowing that they shared this strange and intimate ritual.

Category: ebony piss porn
Tags: ebony, piss
Added on: April 21, 2024

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